Gemsa Factory Address: Deliklikaya Mah.Altınşehir Cad. Teskoop N9 /H13 Arnavutköy - İstanbul / Türkiye

Mining & Construction Rig & Equipment Manufacturer




Welcome to GEMSA

We at Gemsa General Makine always fully focused on helping you
to overcame any hurdle !

With 50 years experience , we serve our customers in more than 86 countries with products and service focused on maximizing operator safety, high productivity with energy efficiency, and ergonomics. Our wide range products is suited for a variety of applications, from underground to surface, including mineral exploration, mining, water well and hole drill for energy, as well as infrastructure reinforcement and development. Every day, we are put to work providing efficient, cost-effective solutions to every type of drilling operation. 

If you need our assistance you will see how it is close to you.

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How We Can Help…

Gemsa offer smart solutions for your mining operations.
We have wide range of products

Gemsa Surface drilling department, we support our clients with our rigs and drilling equipment for rock blasting projects, marble , granite & limestone quarries, mineral exploration and energy and geo construction.

Gemsa Underground drilling department, we offer our clients for their tunnel projects drill rigs, support vehicles and equipments.

We also support your mining field with portable air compressors, customizable crawler carriers and service trucks, lighting towers ... more inside.

  • Splitters
  • Site-Equipments
  • Crushers (Demolition Tools)
  • Service Trucks
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GEMSA's Drill Rigs

GEMSA's  Carriers

Drill Rig Parts & Equipments

Drilling Equipments

We put Solutions for your Mining Operation

Believe. Expectation. Reality.

Enjoy the experience of drilling with your new work mate



Mostly Manufactured Drill Rigs
marmor bayraklı 1
marmorok serıe

* Diesel  / Electric Powered

* Onboard Air Compressor

* 3x3 Wheel Drive / Crawler

* Designed for Marble Quarries

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surface bayraklı 1
surface drıll rıgs

* HPV - Wheeled Drill Rigs (Wagon Drill)

* Gemrock Serie Crawler Drill Rigs

* Fully Operator Cabin Control Drill Rig

* Designed for Stone Quarries

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rc bayraklı 1
rc- reverse cırculatıon

* RCM Serie Drill Rigs

* Gemex Serie Drill Rigs

* RC and Crawler Carrier Packs

* Mineral Exploration

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mp bayraklı 1
mp serıe (rc & core drıll)

* MP Serie ( RC and Core Drill together )

* Top Drive Drill Head

* Deep Hole Drilling Models

* Designed for Mineral Exploration

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Gemsa General Makine News

We are building our new website. Our old website still active , but we will complete new one soon !
If you could not see product solution for your operation please contact us.
We are looking for new Gemsa representative and dealers. New Gemsa representative / dealer should have experience in mining operations.
Please contact us.
Please see our news section and our about us section to get more information about us.